January 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Jan 4 15:59:01 CST 2016
Ending: Fri Jan 29 10:44:33 CST 2016
Messages: 28
- SDTMA FW: CNOA TRaininhg Fliers
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA January Meeting Reminder
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA RCS Radio User LE upcoming classes
Dorame, Elissa
- SDTMA Non-Training question...
Jenessa Morris
- SDTMA FW: CSAIA Training in SA Area
Marisa McCullough
- SDTMA Message regarding Interviews and Interrogations
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA FW: WLLE-San Diego Upcoming Meeting January 20, 2016
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: ONE-MINUTE BRIEF from the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: POST Training Videos > New for 2016 + General Program Info
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA POST Approved First Aid / CPR Refresher
Katherine Lynch
- SDTMA POST Approved First Aid / CPR Refresher
Murphy, Todd
- SDTMA FW: Cartels, Gangs & Narco Organizations ***Carlsbad***
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA FW: Register Today: Understanding Jurisdiction on Tribal Lands Two-Day Course
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: Law Enforcement Consultant I and II EXAMS - Final Filing Date Extended
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA POST Certified Human Performance Training
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA ICS 300/400
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA Lock Picking Course - Carlsbad PD
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA Reminder Meeting is tomorrow 01/21
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA FW: Best Membership Deal of the Year
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA Search Warrant & New Law SB 178 Class
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA Meeting Minutes
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: Critical Legal Issues for LE 2016 Update with Missy O'Linn
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA Drug Abuse Recognition training - Carlsbad
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA ICS 300 & 400 - Carlsbad Safety Training Center
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA FW: RCS Radio User LE upcoming classes
Dorame, Elissa
- SDTMA Cellebrite @ Escondido PD March 14-16
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA FW: San Diego Regional Hate Crimes Coalition Presents "Autobiography of a Recovering Skinhead"
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: Recruitment News - Law Enforcement Consultant I
Amash, Brooke
Last message date:
Fri Jan 29 10:44:33 CST 2016
Archived on: Fri Apr 19 03:18:57 CDT 2024
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