February 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Feb 1 11:20:43 CST 2016
Ending: Mon Feb 29 14:10:55 CST 2016
Messages: 34
- SDTMA FW: Register Now for Webinar: The Impact of Trauma Exposure on Corrections Professionals
Amash, Brooke
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: WLLE-San Diego Upcoming Presentation: Chris Van Gorder
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: Children Privacy/Public School Records Release (California Department of Education)
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: NEW PERT 3 Day Academy Date
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: NEW PERT 3 Day Academy Date
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA Crisis Response Training
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA FW: Resiliency in Law Enforcement Relationships-A day for Couples
Amash, Brooke
- SDTMA Continued discusson on request for cover verbiage
Bautista, David
- SDTMA FW: RCFL class reminders
Corbin, Lea
- SDTMA May 16-20 Interviews and Interrogations- 5 day/ Escondido PD
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA 2016 Membership Invoice
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA 2016 Membership Invoice
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA Please enroll for Cellebrite Training before 02/29
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA CANCELLED-Cellebrite 03/14-03/18
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA April 12- Free Training: Deaf Competency Training
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA May 9-11 Shield Bunker Instructor Certification Course
Patricia Cruz
- SDTMA Contact Number for SDSO Range in Otay Mesa
Dobbins, Patrick
- SDTMA Non-Sworn Training
Davina Dodd
- SDTMA FW: RCS Radio User Class; 2/18; 8am-5pm
Dorame, Elissa
- SDTMA Exec Comm Flyer
Marisa McCullough
- SDTMA Background Investigation training - Carlsbad PD
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA FW: SWAT Rappel Master Course
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA Upcoming training - Carlsbad PD
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA FW: Join us in Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Area), March 21-23
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA Search Warrants From A-Z & SB 178***Carlsbad***
Jane Meadows
- SDTMA NEW! Canine Program Mgmt Revised Training - Carlsbad PD
Jane Meadows
Murphy, Todd
- SDTMA May 16-20 Interviews and Interrogations- 5 day/ Escondido PD
Nancy Nagle
- SDTMA Recall: May 16-20 Interviews and Interrogations- 5 day/ Escondido PD
Nancy Nagle
- SDTMA Contact Number for SDSO Range in Otay Mesa
Troy Nicol
- SDTMA Interview and Interrogation Training for Investigators
Perfect, Lory
- SDTMA Firearms for PC 832
Kathy Sentz
- SDTMA Non-Sworn Training
Joanna_Fidelus at casp.uscourts.gov
Last message date:
Mon Feb 29 14:10:55 CST 2016
Archived on: Fri Apr 19 03:18:57 CDT 2024
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